Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We're Moving!!!!

Yes, it's official. We are moving to Spanish Fork in late May/early June. We are building a home on a .41 acre lot, which is almost double the size we have to play in now. The house is a two story, and we're finishing the basement so I can teach preschool. I'm getting very stir crazy being shut up in the house with nothing to stimulate my overactive imagination and teaching itch. The preschool will (hopefully) cure both. The hardest part of the move will be saying goodbye to our friends in the ward and neighborhood. It's interesting how you sometimes don't know how attached you've become until it's time to say goodbye. I'm glad we still have four months to pack. (See blog above for my deep thought on packing)

I'll post pictures as soon as we have some. They should break ground within 6 weeks.


Schauers Hours said...

Oh how sad! I just love you, and was just thinking how we needed to get together more often. I'll miss you!

Michelle said...

Hooray for US, though!!!!! :D! I can't believe it's going to happen for reals!

Francis Family said...

I am so happy for you but sad at the same time. I don't want there to be any more distance between us than there already is. :( We'll definitely have to do lunch when we swap kids!

Breanne said...

I was going to corner you yesterday at church and get the low down!! A little birdie told me that you were going to move. It makes me sad that you will be leaving. At least I have a few more months of VT to do before you go!! :)

Introducing. . . Matthew

Introducing. . . Matthew
This picture says it all. Matthew has such twinkly eyes when he's being a tease!