Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tooth Fairies and Tooth Elves

I don't know how a lost tooth is handled in other homes, but in our house it is a rite of passage and a BIG deal. Scotty lost his first tooth this afternoon. He put his beautiful, white tooth under his pillow. Sometime between now and tomorrow his tooth fairy (or tooth elf) will show up and give him money. They always leave a note behind to introduce themselves. Sierra's was a tooth fairy named Lucinda. Matthew's was a tooth elf named Gelf. Who will visit Scotty? We'll let you know tomorrow! I'll post a picture as soon as I find the cord to the camera. grrrr.

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Introducing. . . Matthew

Introducing. . . Matthew
This picture says it all. Matthew has such twinkly eyes when he's being a tease!