Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thoughts on Facebook and High School

I signed up for Facebook yesterday, at the request of a friend. In 24 hours I have reconnected with nearly 50 people! It's amazing how much technology helps us along.

But here's the thing: The more I read about how people from high school are doing, the more I remember how HARD it was growing up out in California. I always felt like I had friends, but I didn't fit in. Now I realize that was EXACTLY right. My best friends were the ones I knew as a young girl, not the people I met in Jr. High and Highschool.

My values and lifestyle are so different from most of my old classmates. It makes me feel so grateful to be where I am, and to have the friends I do now. So, if you're reading this, give yourself a hug from me and big THANK YOU. It means you've made my life happier, just by being a friend.

Oh, and one more thing: Isn't it nice that we only have to be Freshmen once?

Nothing like Facebook to bring life into perspective.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Nothin' like it! haha.

I've really enjoyed all of your posts lately, Heather. You are such a great friend! We certainly count you guys at the top of our blessings.

Love ya!

Introducing. . . Matthew

Introducing. . . Matthew
This picture says it all. Matthew has such twinkly eyes when he's being a tease!